
1// To Begin...

Occasionally, I wonder how I end up with the same ideas over and over again. Wondering leads to contemplating and suddenly, I am at a crossroads: should I thank the universe and continue to bid the ideas adieu or acknowledge that maybe I was meant to do just as the universe obviously wants me to. 

I have previously been at this crossroads of starting a fashion blog many times; 3 to be exact. However, at this instance, I feel as though I am at a new phase in my life. I am a college student and my style is maturing, better yet "glo'ing".

When it came to titling this blog, I decided to use comes lower-case letters simply because I am still in the process of growing.I have so much to learn and somewhat of a long journey ahead of me. As for the olive & camel, I chose those words because they are honestly my favorite colors; I love earth-tones!

I want this blog to be a virtual fashion diary. A place where I can discuss trends, familiarize myself with new and infamous designers and showcase my own personal style and opinions. 

-- Lo

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