
3// The Androgynous

Button Down and Trousers// American Apparel
Headscarf// Ebay
Loafers// Topshop
Aviators// Amazon

 I choose to blur the lines
between what society deems masculine and feminine.

My style is all about creating art through my clothing. I do this by 
strategically playing with color and using elements that may seem odd, or out of the ordinary, to the passing eye. 

I would consider this a his/her-ness casual look; a business causal look with hints of stereotypical masculine and feminine elements. I incorporated the masculine elements through my slate grey trousers and black loafers. Because the top is sheer, it adds the feminine touch to my outfit. Lastly, I added the head scarf for ambiguity; as to balance the two out.

The color scheme is a gradient; the bottom, my black shoes, being the darkest and fading up into a transparency, my clear glasses. 


Photo Creds: Zahria Moore

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